Los Angeles Times, July 27, 1911.

Veteran Fife and Drum Corps Will Raise Funds to Help Land Big Encampment Next Year.

For the purpose of increasing their campaign fund to bring the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to this city next year, the Veteran Fife and Drum Corps will hold forth at Luna Park Saturday and Sunday and will play again the stirring calls that spurred their comrades to heroic deeds in the Civil War. The State has appropriated $25,000, and when the members of the corps start east on August 15 they hope to have considerable additional to carry with them.

In the corps are fifteen survivors of the Civil War, and the average is over 70 years. One of the number, Robert Bane, beats a drum that was captured by his great-grandfather from the Hessians in the Revolutionary War. This drum has been beaten in every war of the United States.

Another is Philo Case, who beat the long roll at the battle of Shilo and who still has the drum on which the long roll was beaten. Last week his home was burned to the ground, but the veteran rushed through flame and smoke to save his treasured instrument.

Stanton, Bartlett-Logan and Kenesaw Posts, GAR, will turn out with the Veteran Fife and Drum Corps, and a big camp fire will be held Sunday afternoon.

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